
Art and Moving Image Works


This film thematically explores the artists’ identity as a “white passing” Filipino American, and the title is a reference to a skin whitening soap primarily used in the Philippines. Rice is an important ingredient in Filipino food, acting as a base to most meals. The film incoporates found audio of a man explaining how to properly cook rice. The music played in the background is a Filipino traditional song played for a dance called Binisuan, where women must balance cups of water in their hands and head while performing a difficult dance.


I Really Hate Spiders

Rhythmic film metaphorically investigating the theme of a spider as language for learned psychological coping mechanisms. Disjointed scenes from the home and of the body are stitched and pieced together, creating a visual narrative that acts as a self portrait and window into the inner thoughts of the artist.


If My Body Were Numb

Film inspired by personal experience exploring how the physical body carries memory and touch. This work acts as intimate visual poetry, pairing a voice over with close up scenes of the artist engaging in a morning routine within the home.



This experimental film explores the body in relationship to light, the breath, and how these elements interact with translucent textile material. I was interested in using organza as a veil or added layer covering the body. In this moving image work, I wanted to investigate how sound and body language can drive a narrative without the use of words.


Textiles & Sculpture

